Increase Sewer Connections within Sewer Service Areas

Where infrastructure and capacity are available, homeowners with conventional septic systems that live within existing sewer service areas can connect to wastewater treatment facilities. This practice reduces the amount of nitrogen reaching groundwater sources and maximizes nitrogen removal before treated effluent is discharged to waterways.

Nitrogen Removal

  • Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant: 81%

Cost Efficiency

  • Septic Connection to Sewer: $30-$160 per pound of nitrogen removed

Project Costs

  • One-time Cost to Connect to Existing Sewer Line: $1,000-$6,000
  • Annual Sewer Fee: $500 per year
  • New Advanced Treatment Plant: $33.4 Million


  • Additional service capacity available in some plants.
  • Approximately 300 parcels still on septic with potential to connect
  • Many plants in CT use the best available advanced treatment technology (the most efficient N removal).
  • Town financing options often exist for sewer connections


  • Expansion may require adoption of alternative growth management tools (beyond wastewater regulation) to address unintended impacts like increased density or damage to natural resources.
  • Plants may not have the additional capacity to connect more homes.